Bring WBW to your school!

 Washington Business Week (WBW) is a unique work-based learning (WBL) opportunity like no other. We place business professionals with high school students in a dynamic workplace simulation for a week during our in-school, summer and international programs where students role play as industry professionals, launch a company, and solve real-world challenges.

Since being founded by The Association of Washington Business, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the president of Central Washington University in 1976, WBW has served more than 75,000 high school students and inspired countless other Business Week programs worldwide.

If you’re a teacher or an administrator, you can bring WBW to your school by hosting an in-school program or sending students to attend.

If you’re a parent or student, the best way to get WBW to your school is to get in contact with us.


Students Learn

Students learn 21st century skills like communication, leadership, public speaking, teamwork and critical thinking.

Students Earn

At WBW’s Summer Programs, students earn two college credits for participating in the program and gain work based learning experiences.

Students Discern

By meeting dozens of business leaders, students discover career pathways, gaining an understanding of the educational requirements in them.

    Recent Conferences

    WACTA 2024 - Work Based Learning Through The Magic of Business Week

    WBW presented at the 2024 Conference of the Washington Association of Career and Technical Administrators to share WBW’s methedology and how to bring the program to their districts. See more »

    WA-ACTE 2024 - Bringing Real-World Professionals into CTE Classrooms through Work-Based Learning

    WBW presented at the 2024 fall conference of the Washington Association for Career & Technical Education to share the strategies WBW uses to get hundreds of professionals to attend WBW programs each year. See more »

    Nothing else in my 28yrs of education has shown the same student growth and confidence built in that amount of time.

    Lynn Green

    Co-Superintendent & CTE Director, Aberdeen School District, 2022 CTE Administrator of the Year

    WBW has been an amazing opportunity for me and I have learned so much, not just about business but about myself. Through my time at WBW I have developed leadership skills that will help me in the real world as well as friendships that will last a lifetime. The whole program does an outstanding job fostering experiences that will be tremendously helpful to your future and whatever career path you choose.

    – Matt Jenson, Bellevue High School